heART journal

Journal Prompts

Foster your creativity and self-expression with my curation of writing and heART journal prompts.


What is heART journaling?

Think of heART journaling as expressing yourself in an intuitive and artful way. The practice focuses on deepening self-awareness and intuitive skill, rather than practicing art techniques.

Why journal?

heART journaling is particularly helpful in self-soothing, gaining creative confidence, developing intuition, working with limiting beliefs, working through what pains us, and much more.

Is this art therapy?

Though heART journaling is therapeutic in nature, heART journaling is not considered traditional art therapy as there is no oversight by a professional therapist.

What do I need?

Mixed media art journals work really well as heART journals. However, some people might prefer an ordinary spiral notebook. You can use any type of art medium you like.

The Latest Journal Prompt: